Famous Baldies

Famous Baldies

The Bald Truth Baldness and hair loss can be a frustrating problem for men. The natural response is to tackle your hair loss problem with creams, lotions, and treatments but these men are notable for their accomplishments and their baldness. Check out these baldies...
The Bald Truth

The Bald Truth

The Bald Truth Many people dread hair loss and fear baldness. Thinning hair is a common problem for both men and women, but they experience hair loss differently. Men have common hair loss patterns and women have their own distinctions when it comes to shedding hair....
How Much Hair Loss is Normal?

How Much Hair Loss is Normal?

How Much Hair Loss is Normal? Hair loss is a perfectly normal daily occurrence, but how much is typical? When does it become an actual disorder versus something commonplace? Everyday, I lose strands of my hair engaging in typical activities that anyone else might be...