Hair restoration has never been easier with NeoGraft
NeoGraft for hair loss
Unhappy with your hair? Looking to see more “shine” in the mirror? Hair restoration has never been easier. New technology has made the process relatively simple and less downtime is required. In the past, doctors implemented the strip method, which involved extracting a segment of the scalp from the back of the head, and then transplanting hair follicles to the area affected by hair loss. This left a permanent and unsightly scar on the patient. Then, in 1988 as major breakthrough occurred, when Follicular Unit Extraction was developed and observed for the first time in Masumi Inaba, Japan. This was a monumental step for hair restoration, because the FUE procedure was far less invasive than the strip method and required less recovery time.
Fast forward several decades and the advent of the NeoGraft machine has occurred. It uses a similar method of follicular unit extraction used to restore hair. In the simplest terms. FUE works like this:
- The NeoGraft procedure starts off with hair removal from the donor area on the back of your head. It is in this area that hair is genetically configured to resist DHT, a breakdown product from testosterone.
- When the extraction process begins, every graft is meticulously removed, taking only a minimal amount of scalp and other tissue. This leads to an increased survival rate for each graft.
- The hair restoration surgeon/technician then creates recipient sites. It is during this process that the angle, direction, and orientation of the hair is determined. These characteristics are all determined specifically for you.
- The hair graft is then sorted and placed based on size and the number of hairs in the follicle. Grafts are transplanted into the areas of your head that are balding or thinning, in a way that allows for a naturally appealing result.
Not everyone is a candidate for NeoGraft treatments. Candidates who would like the option of having a short haircut in the back or sides of their scalp would likely be good candidates for FUE. Candidates who are very active like athletes would also be very good candidates, because the downtime is very minimal. The NeoGraft FUE System can also be implemented for scar camouflage procedures for may have had treatments previously, that used the strip method. We love the results that NeoGraft provides and we are sure you will too. Come in today and visit Denver Hair Restoration to add some hair to your life!
Contact Info
9777 S. Yosemite Street, Suite 200
Lone Tree, CO. 80124
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Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 4pm